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Estate Planning

The Reissman Law Group, P.A. located in St. Petersburg, Florida offers assistance in all aspects of Estate Planning. We understand that every client’s goal is to secure future provisions for spouse, family, and other loved ones while transferring those assets in a quick and efficient manner.

Marshall Reissman will provide counsel in the creation of Wills, trusts, medical powers of attorney, living wills, and financial powers of attorney, durable powers of attorney, and other estate planning techniques used to save estate taxes and add asset protection for your beneficiaries. We want to ensure that your personal matters and financial affairs are appropriately structured.

If you own property, have children, have recently been married or divorced, or wish to make a special bequest to a friend or relative, you should create or update your will and/or trust. If you are new to the St. Petersburg area or your Will or other estate planning documents were created in another state, you may want to have your documents reviewed for validity. In any situation, if your estate planning documents are older than 5 years, you really need to have your documents reviewed to ensure that they still comply with the law.

Typically, clients seek to avoid probate and eliminate death taxes. A living trust will often avoid probate, but only if it is fully funded. Funding is the process of transferring ownership of your assets from your name into your trust. Our attorneys will review the titling of all your assets and help with the funding process to ensure that your estate planning is fully implemented. Much like a Will, a living trust instructs what is to happen to your property in the event of death. While alive, you remain in control and can change the trust at any time. Setting up a trust allows you to avoid the expense and delay of probate. A living trust also allows you to do disability planning so that your wishes will be followed should you become mentally incompetent. Again, by having all of your assets titled in the name of your living trust, you will not have to rely upon a durable power of attorney and whether or not a financial institution will accept it.


Marshall Reissman can also draft medical powers of attorney, living wills, and durable powers of attorney to provide instructions for family and medical personnel in case of your incapacitation.


Contact us today for a free consultation for all of your estate planning needs.

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